Ever since our inception in 1826 we’ve held a strong sense of commitment to our supporters, distributors and customers. We pride ourselves in having open communication channels with everyone we work with and are more than happy to listen to all aspects of feedback to the accessibility to, and awareness of, water filtration. Now, almost...
The first week in October 2016 saw Hurricane Matthew sweep through the Caribbean, hitting the island of Haiti with wind-speeds of over 150 mph. With the number of casualties quickly reaching 1000, aid workers and rescue agencies struggled to get shelter, food and water to tens of thousands of people left homeless, thirsty and hungry....
We tend to take water for granted, especially in western society, and the benefits of water filtration are frequently overlooked. Turn on a tap and there it is; flowing effortlessly for drinking, cooking, bathing and cleaning. It’s there for our leisure time too; for fun and exercise in swimming pools, and to educate and amaze...